
Online Ad Impact


  • Display on various, external environments
  • Sparse data about the real perception / interaction


  • Vague metrics about visibility
  • High impact of the visual on visibility
  • Precise match to the target group is necessary


The digital equivalent of the billboard: online banner.

There are several variants of web advertisements to address the target audience properly. Animated, static, between content or at the sidebar: Designed to draw the viewers‘ attention and inform about new products and services. The message should be as clear and comprehensible as possible and should not contain too much text. In this way the advertising message can be better remembered.

With classic methods of display and analytics there are only statistics about direct clicks and a rough estimation of the visibility. No information about real perception and emotion.

But especially for the concept and creation of campaigns it’s important to consider those effects to avoid performance losses and to achieve an optimal online ad impact.

Success stories

Unfortunately we do not have any success stories in this area yet. Are you interested in a pilot project? Do not hesitate to contact us!


The provided advertisement is displayed as an inset on websites where they would been shown in a booked campaign. The participants visit the site with typical tasks (e.g. read the article) and later surveyed about the advertisements.

The following is examined:

  • First impression and attraction
  • Relevance / read duration
  • Fixation order
  • Memorability


Participants can either be booked directly via the platform or gained from your own existing customer and user contacts.

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